ReiRouter released
2017 March 19

A few days ago I released ReiRouter v1.0, a fast and scalable PHP request router. You may be thinking, "Why another router?" If you have been working exclusively with regex-based routers so far, you will find that ReiRouter is not only unbelievably fast, it also has features that are impossible for any regex-based router.

HTTP, Slim and ApacheBench
2016 November 29

I stumbled on a peculiar bug in Slim Framework that has remained unsolved for 5 years and has eluded many including Slim Framework's author himself. I decided to investigate and found the solution.

Basic Router Test
2016 September 5

Request routers are not created equal and some actually fail to do their job, like TreeRoute: a router I discovered because it was advertised as being faster than FastRoute. Find out if the request router you're using works correctly with these simple tests.